≪韓国ドラマNOW≫「悪い記憶の消しゴム~My Memories~」10話、チン・セヨンがジェジュンへの気持ちを自覚する=視聴率0.3%、あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Korean TV Series NOW> ”My Memories” EP10, Jin Se Yeon realizes her feelings for Jaejung = Viewership rating 0.3%, Synopsis/Spoiler
*This article contains spoilers and synopsis. MBN TV Series "Eraser of Bad Memories ~My
In the episode 10 of "Memories" (viewership rating: 0.3%), Juyeon (Jin Se Yeon)
Juyeon ran to Geun who was running towards her and hugged him, but after freezing for a moment, she said, "My heart was racing.
"I think I really like this person," he thought, realizing his feelings. The distance between Geun and Juyeon, who had been growing apart for a while due to Juyeon blocking out their relationship, became closer again.
Shin (Lee Jung Won) mistook Se-yang (Yang Hye Ji) who was sleeping with her jacket on for Juyeon and departed the car at a service area, leaving Geun and Juyeon behind.
decided to meet Shin and Se-yang at the halfway point. As they were heading to the appointed location, Geun turned to the ever-cold Juyeon and asked, "What have you been up to all day?
He won't even look me in the eye. Are you angry at me for something?" I asked impatiently, but he replied, "Maybe it's because of what happened that night.
"What?" she said, referring to the time they hugged each other. Juyeon was flustered for a moment and replied, "I was just listening to the sound as a doctor," and just as the cold air was about to blow again, Gun dropped to his knees.
Then, he disinfected the wound on Juyeon's leg, and the frozen atmosphere softened even more. Geun then said to Juyeon, "You can see my eyes now," making her heart flutter.
2024/09/03 15:29 KST
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