Sexual crimes by ”Deep Feik” are becoming more serious in South Korea = Many of the perpetrators and victims are minors
In South Korea, crimes using "DeepFei" (fake content created using artificial intelligence), which combines women's faces with obscene images and videos, are on the rise.
The virus has spread through the highly confidential communication app "Telegram," sending shock waves through society. The government and the ruling party have begun to take measures.
There were 156 cases of Deep Fei sex crimes in South Korea in 2021, the year statistics began to be collected.
By July this year, the number had already reached 297. In May, Seoul University graduates made a deep-feiture pornographic video based on photos of their classmates that were posted in their graduation albums and on social media.
In one case, a fake image created by a generative AI was distributed through a Telegram chat room. The act of distributing fake images created by a generative AI is prohibited by law, and so far this year, 178 people have been charged.
Many of the victims were minors, and 70% of the perpetrators were teenagers. In late August, Korean media reported that there were many chat rooms on Telegram where people shared fake sexual images.
Since then, a series of reports have come out, drawing attention to the issue. Overseas media has also reported on the issue, with the British newspaper The Guardian reporting that "South Korea is battling a surge in DeepFei sex crimes."
According to the "2023 DeepFei Status Report" recently released by the US cybersecurity company "Security Hero," the number of cases of obscene conduct by DeepFei
More than half of the victims in the videos were Koreans. In the two months from July last year, 10 pornographic sites and 85 video sharing platforms such as YouTube were used to upload pornographic videos.
The analysis of 95,820 videos uploaded to the Deep Feik site revealed that the majority of the people who filmed obscene material were Koreans (53%), followed by the United States (20%), Japan (10%), and the UK (6%).
) and others. SQ-RI Tee Hero explained, "Korean singers and actresses are especially being targeted by Deep Fei-k." In fact, the girl group "TWICE"
On the 30th of last month, JYP Entertainment announced that TWICE had been victimized. "We take the situation of Deep Feik's video being spread very seriously.
"We are taking legal action," the company said. In June, the girl group "NewJeans" and in July, singer Kwon Eun Bi both revealed that they had been victims.
President Yoon Seok-yeol said at a cabinet meeting on the 27th of last month, "Recently, a number of DeepFei videos targeting an unspecified number of individuals have been spreading rapidly through social media.
"It spreads rapidly," he said, and instructed police authorities to thoroughly investigate and eradicate such digital crimes.
The government and the ruling People's Power Party, which took the situation seriously, announced on the 29th that Deep Fei
The discussion included measures to prevent sexual crimes. The current law provides for a maximum prison sentence of five years for the crime of distributing false images and videos, but the proposal to increase the maximum sentence to seven years will be considered.
In addition, we have decided to consider punishing not only those who upload and distribute DeepFeigs, but also their creators.
DeepFei's obscene videos are being spread through "Telegram", which allows for a high degree of anonymity, making it difficult for perpetrators to
Telegram has often been misused for crimes. However, because it is an overseas communication site, it has been extremely difficult for the Korean police to investigate Telegram.
But French police last month accused Telegram of failing to monitor and control the app, despite it being used as a means of criminal communication.
In response, the South Korean National Police Agency's Woo Jong-soo arrested Telegram's founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, at an airport in the suburbs of Paris.
The head of the investigation headquarters said on the 2nd of this month, "We will cooperate with French investigative authorities and various international organizations to explore ways to investigate Telegram on this occasion." The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency has already investigated Telegram's corporate corporation.
Based on documents submitted by the National Police Agency, Yang Bo-nam of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea revealed the extent of the Deep Feik sexual crime victimization.
The lawmaker said, "Considering that the majority of DeepFeiq victims are in their teens, we need to take urgent measures," and added, "In particular, the number of DeepFeiq cases is low compared to the number of cases, so we need to take urgent measures."
"This is the reality. We need to expedite the passage of legislation that will provide the basis for high-level investigations and strong punishments."
2024/09/05 13:46 KST
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