チ・チャンウク、映画の舞台あいさつ中 “うっかりミス”… 所属事務所「お詫びしたいです」被害ファンを探す
Ji Chang Wook, ”careless mistake” during movie stage greeting... Management office ”We want to apologize” Searching for affected fan
Actor Ji Chang Wook made a hilarious mistake by bringing the notebook he had signed with him during a stage greeting, while the management office began to seriously search for the owner of the notebook.
On the 5th, Ji Chang Wook management office SPRING COMPANY posted on their official SNS, "We are looking for someone," and said, "On August 7th, during the stage greeting for 'Revolver,' Ji Cha
We are looking for the confused fan who reached out to steal actor Ng Wook's autograph notebook. If you are the person whose notebook was stolen or know someone who is, please leave a comment!
The management office also said, "We searched for the owner of the stolen notebook on the day of the incident and returned it, but we would like to apologize for not being able to find the hand that was reaching out to it at the time."
Prior to this, Ji Chang Wook signed a notebook at the request of a fan sitting in the audience during a promotional speech for the movie "Revolver," but the fan only had a pen.
It was reported that Ji Chang Wook himself left the stage with the notebook he had signed, which caused laughter. Ji Chang Wook, who had realized this late, said in his next speech on stage, "I
Eyewitnesses reported that he tried to find the owner of the notebook, saying, "I brought along an autograph I'd written at a previous request," and eventually succeeded in handing over the autograph at the next theater where the film was being shown.
Since then, this series of episodes has become a hot topic online. Netizens have commented, "How nervous was he to take that (notebook)?", "Pe
On the other hand, Ji Chang Wook's film "Revolver" is about a former police officer, Suyeong (Jeong Do-hyung), who takes the blame for all the crimes and goes to prison.
The film tells the story of a young man named Lee Yeon who, after being released from prison, pursues a single goal.
2024/09/05 18:35 KST
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