A bill to prevent the recurrence of the incident involving the late actor Lee Seong Kyu (INFINITE) is being pushed forward. Rep. Joo Cheol-hyun of the Democratic Party of Korea held a press conference at the National Assembly on the 4th and said,
The bill aims to enact the law on the protection of human rights in criminal investigations and public reporting.
The revised law includes various human rights protection provisions that must be applied during the investigation and disclosure process. During the investigation stage, it makes clear that the abuse of investigative powers is prohibited.
△ Unjustified delays by the investigative authorities △ Repeated summonses of those involved in the case without justifiable reason △ Reckless expansion of investigations into the families of those involved in the case
The law explicitly prohibits unfair practices that violate human rights, such as:
In addition, we will block coercion and bargaining by investigators under the guise of investigation, such as forcing statements or offering undue benefits or convenience.
At the same time, the scope of personal information collected was limited to the "minimum necessary for the investigation," and the improper use and disclosure of facts discovered during the investigation was strictly prohibited.
At the public announcement stage, it must be made clear that the publicity of criminal cases must be in accordance with the law, and the only information provided must be that designated by the chief of the investigating station.
In particular, it was stipulated that the person in charge of public relations should not misuse or leak facts that he or she learns in the process of public relations, and that the person in charge should not disclose information about the private lives and personal information of those involved in the case.
In order to eradicate irresponsible public relations related to investigations, such as the so-called “embarrassing” and “it would be nice if they weren’t,”
Information on the appearance of those involved in the case is kept confidential. △ Measures to protect portrait rights, such as restrictions on photography. △ Individual contact with the media by investigators other than the public relations officer is prohibited. △
It established the legal basis for state liability for damages arising from the leak of private life and personal information of those involved in the incident.
In addition, if the investigation and public relations officer violates the major human rights protection obligations under the "Lee Seong Kyu (INFINITE) Law," criminal punishment provisions will be implemented.
"The investigators often use their public power to violate the basic rights of suspects and victims," said Rep. Joo. "The proposal for the law by Lee Seong Kyu (INFINITE) is a criminal law.
"We hope that the bill will be passed by the National Assembly as soon as possible so that it will become the foundation for protecting human rights in the field, guarantee the basic rights of those involved in the case, and further strengthen the legitimacy of substantive truth-finding through investigations."
Meanwhile, the case of the leaking of investigative information regarding the late Lee Seong Kyu (INFINITE), who died while under investigation for suspected drug use, is currently being investigated by the prosecution.
2024/09/05 19:07 KST
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