≪韓国ドラマNOW≫「悪い記憶の消しゴム~My Memories~」11話、ジェジュンとチン・セヨンがときめきの夜を過ごす=視聴率0.4%、あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Korean TV Series NOW> ”My Memories” EP11, JAEJUNG and Jin Se Yeon spend a thrilling night = Viewership rating 0.4%, Synopsis and spoilers
*This article contains spoilers and synopsis. MBN TV Series "Eraser of Bad Memories ~My
Memories" EP11 (viewership rating 0.4%) features Gun (Kim Jaejung) and Juyeon
The story depicts Gun and Juyeon spending a night of excitement together. When they were young, Gun and Juyeon spent the night together at Gun's grandmother's house.
Geun and Juyeon, who were in the middle of the night, shared the drink they had brought from Shin's (Lee Jung-won) car, but it was actually a tonic that his mother Ji-seon (Yoon Yu Seon) had prepared for Shin.
I had told them not to drink alcohol. Gun and Juyeon, who were sleeping in separate rooms, were too energetic to sleep. A little while later, Gun and Juyeon sat side by side on a platform outside.
The next morning, Geun and Juyeon can't stop smiling happily after waking up together in the trunk of a car, and Geun makes a bouquet for Juyeon from flowers he picked in the garden.
On the other hand, it was revealed that the reason why Se-yang (Yang Hye Ji) came to Korea from Italy was to find her biological father.
After receiving a call from the family, Se-yang's mother arrived in Korea and told her biological father that he was "nothing but garbage" and tried to take Se-yang back to Italy. Se-yang refused to give up on his determination to find his father.
Gun, who happened to hear their conversation, offered to sue Sae-yang for false employment fraud and helped her. Later, Gun also met Sae-yang's real father in the place where he lived as a child.
He set out to search for her, but as he began to hear about her dark past from the people in the town, memories of that time came flooding back to him, and he was tormented. Soon after, he remembered his first love, who had rescued him after he had fallen into the water.
But suddenly he couldn't remember the girl's face and became worried. Feeling anxious, Gun immediately rushed to Juyeon's side. He hugged Juyeon as they walked through the Athletes' Village.
"DO NOT LEAVE, anywhere. Don't disappear from my sight. I thought you were dead. I thought you died because of me, when you tried to bring me my medal. It's okay. You're right in front of me.
Juyeon, who felt guilty about acting as her first love, told her true feelings, "I'm not going anywhere. I can't go anywhere," and
However, Shin was watching from afar. Shin even confessed his true feelings to Juyeon, saying, "There is no such thing as Lee Shin. I was just playing the role of my brother."
Although he felt a deep love for her, he ultimately felt betrayed when she became his brother's woman.
2024/09/10 11:31 KST
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