≪韓国ドラマNOW≫「悪い記憶の消しゴム~My Memories~」12話、チン・セヨンがジェジュンを避ける=視聴率0.3%、あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Korean TV Series NOW> ”My Memories” EP12, Jin Se Yeon avoids JAEJUNG = Viewership rating 0.3%, Synopsis/Spoiler
*This article contains spoilers and synopsis. MBN TV Series "Eraser of Bad Memories ~My
Memories" EP12 (viewer rating 0.3%) is about Gun (Kim Jaejung)'s first love.
Juyeon (Jin Se Yeon) began to avoid Gun after learning that he was Yang (Yang Hye Ji). After drowning, Gun regained consciousness and immediately went to Juyeon.
However, the only person nearby was Se-yang, who was in charge of looking after her. When Gun finally managed to get in touch with Juyeon and expressed his disappointment, Juyeon coldly said she was busy and hung up the phone.
Juyeon's heart was also not at peace. She was in tears as she remembered the happy days she spent with Geun. She also coldly rejected Shin (Lee Jung-won)'s feelings.
When Shin, who had come home from bed, mentioned the kiss that night, he said he knew it was meant to deceive Gun and that he didn't want to talk about it any more.
If you look into my heart, you'll know that I like you. Don't pretend not to know," and Juyeon replied, "I'm not pretending not to know, I didn't know.
I have never looked into your heart, and I am not interested in what feelings you have. So please don't have any feelings for me," she coldly refused.
However, Shin grabs Juyeon's arm as she heads towards the house, saying, "There's nothing I can do. I can't control my emotions."
As he grabbed her, Gun, who was carrying the drunk Sae Yang on his back, witnessed the scene and the tension rose. Juyeon immediately expressed concern for Sae Yang, to which Gun replied, "Aren't you worried about me? I'm sorry for the pain.
"Why didn't you ask me if I was okay? I was in a lot of pain, but I thought about you a lot," he said, bursting out with loneliness. Juyeon was unable to look Gun in the eye.
When Shin pretended to be close to Juyeon, Geun's jealousy reached a boiling point and he challenged Shin to a game of tennis.
Gun told Shin something meaningful when he played tennis. Gun said, "You
You'll feel satisfied if you have everything you want. Oh, by the way, there's one thing I want too. I always wore that luminous band with your name engraved on it. Lately, I can't see it at all.
Right? Did you lose it?" Shin, who was flustered by this, replied as if it was no big deal, but Gun, who was not to be swayed, replied, "Didn't you lose it?
For example, the Han River," he said, freezing Shin coldly.
2024/09/10 11:35 KST
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