One in 10 children in South Korea regularly consumes high-potassium drinks
It has been found that one in ten children in South Korea regularly consumes high-potassium drinks sold on the streets.
On the 10th, the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs conducted a survey of 5,753 people under the age of 18.
According to the "2023 Children's General Survey," the habitual intake products of children who answered "I continue to take or consume one or more products" are high-calorie
The most common high-calorie food was energy drinks, at 10.2%. High-calorie foods were mainly energy drinks. In particular, the proportion of children in single-parent and grandparent-grandchild households consuming high-calorie foods was high.
It was found that children from relatively high and low income families also consume a lot of high-calorie drinks. In addition to high-calorie foods, foods for increasing muscle mass and medicines for studying are also consumed.
The figures for the two groups were 1.7% and 1.3%. Researcher Lee Sang-jeong of the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs said, "Habitual use, such as continuous intake of high-calorie foods, has a negative impact on children's health.
"There is a need for greater awareness of this issue and for education and policies to limit consumption."
2024/09/10 17:01 KST
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