25-39 year olds: ”3 out of 10 are married”... Married people have an annual salary of ”8.35 million won” more than married people in Korea
The survey found that only three in ten people aged between 25 and 39 are married. At the same time, the average annual salary of married people is more than 8 million won (approximately 850,000 yen) higher than that of unmarried people.
On the 10th, Statistics Korea announced the results of a report titled "Analysis of social and economic characteristics of people aged 25-39 in 2022 by marital status."
According to this, the percentage of married people aged 25 to 39 as of last year was 33.7%, down 2.4 percentage points from the previous year.
This is a 4.8 percentage point decrease compared to 2020 (38.5%).
The percentage of married people by age was 60.3% for those aged 35-39, 34.2% for those aged 30-34, and 7.9% for those aged 25-29.
Coupled with the trend towards later marriage, the percentage of married people with children has also decreased. The percentage of married people with children, which was 76.6% in 2020, is expected to drop to 75.6% in 2021 and 74.5% in 2022.
The median annual income for married people was 40.56 million won (approximately 4.33 million yen), which was 8.36 million won (approximately 900,000 yen) higher than that for unmarried people (32.20 million won (approximately 3.43 million yen).
By gender, married men received 50.99 million won (approximately 5.44 million yen), unmarried men received 34.29 million won (approximately 3.65 million yen), and unmarried women received 30.13 million won (approximately 3.21 million yen).
The ranking was 28.11 million won (approximately 3 million yen) for married men and 28.11 million won (approximately 3 million yen) for married women. Married men and unmarried women had higher incomes, while married women had lower incomes than unmarried women, due to their careers after marriage.
The housing ownership rate for married people was 31.7%, while that for unmarried people was 10.2%. By type of residence, married people had apartments (76.7%), while single people had apartments (10.2%).
The highest proportions were in single-family homes (10.0%), apartments (9.3%), and other (3.4%). Unmarried people also tended to live in condominiums (47.6%), exclusive homes (27.1%), and apartments (14.
4%), and others (9.3%).
2024/09/10 21:30 KST
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