According to KAKAO Entertainment Music's platform Melon's ‘Data Lab’, IU's music was recorded a total of 91,479 times on 30,000 playlists by 9160 Melon DJs. In particular, the song most DJs included in their playlists was IU's ‘Night Letter’.
The song that continued to be included in the most DJ playlists by the same criteria was ‘Hype Boy’ by Korean girl group NewJeans, which was included in 4556 playlists by 2047 DJs. The song, which last year was the longest-running song on Melon's Top 100 list, has also attracted attention on DJ playlists, demonstrating its formidable ‘staying power’.
Meanwhile, the most popular song among foreign music was Ed Sheeran's ‘Shape of You’.
2024/09/12 14:30 KST
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