米韓は、中国発の「経済報復被害国」への “保護メカニズム”を構築せねば=米シンクタンク
U.S., South Korea must build ”protection mechanism” for countries that are victims of economic retaliation from China, U.S. think tank says
"Amid the intensification of the strategic war between the United States and China, it is necessary to build a cooperative system among the United States, South Korea, and other relevant countries to support countries that face the risk of Chinese retaliation by participating in the restructuring of the U.S.-centered supply chain of advanced technology.
On the 11th (local time), Oh Mi-young, an advanced researcher specializing in Korea policy at the RAND Corporation, a US security think tank, said at a think tank in Washington, DC,
During a discussion held at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Seoul on the topic of "Strengthening U.S.-ROK Economic and Security Cooperation," President Trump addressed South Korea's concerns about the risk of economic retaliation from China, and made the remarks above.
"The United States and South Korea could consider establishing a protection mechanism to counter China's threat to allies and friendly nations," Oh said, citing interests such as organizations like the Korea International Trade Association and private companies.
He proposed a model of public-private cooperation involving the participation of various stakeholders, adding that the existing framework for trilateral cooperation between Japan, the United States and South Korea could be used to build a protection mechanism against economic retaliation from China.
2024/09/12 17:01 KST
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