Park BoGum, perfect suit style... ”I restricted my diet and built up muscle mass for the movie”
Actor Park BoGum showed off a stylish suit. Park BoGum graced the cover of the October issue of fashion magazine "ELLE". This time, the photo shoot features Park BoGum as an actor and a young man.
Park BoGum, who has always played himself freely and flexibly as an adult, was featured in the video. The interview was conducted after the photo shoot. Park BoGum always thinks of each and every day as a decisive moment.
She said, "Every day is a moment that will never come back. Today is no different. I am truly grateful that my life can be preserved in a photo shoot. I am grateful to be able to talk about myself by answering various questions like today.
I am still discovering new things. At the same time, I am still getting to know myself." During the filming of the Korean JTBC TV series "Good Boy," he was in the Korean boxing league.
Regarding his daily life as Dong-ju, a former family representative athlete who became a police officer through special recruitment, he said, "I live my life diligently every day, just like the lively Dong-ju. There is an action scene in every episode,
It's not an easy job, but it's a new challenge, so I'm enjoying it and doing my best. I hope that all the actors and staff stay healthy and safe until the end."
With each still cut being released, it feels like seeing a real Korean representative athlete.
In order to gain muscle mass, he adjusted his diet. At first, it wasn't easy to follow the schedule while eating only protein and vegetables, but he is doing his best in the given environment.
I really respect people who maintain healthy muscles through healthy diet and exercise." When asked what he thought was the most glorious and triumphant moment for an actor, like winning a gold medal, he said, "When I was in the middle of the night, I was in the middle of the night. ...
It's time for the production you acted in to be loved and for people to remember the name of the role you played." Meanwhile, photos and an interview with Park BoGum can be found in the October issue of ELLE.
2024/09/13 11:59 KST
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