Is Japan the suzerain of Taekwondo? … “Nonsense” description at Adidas store in Australia = Korea
It has been reported that an Adidas store in Australia had a statement that misleadingly stated that "Japan is the mother country of Taekwondo."
Professor Seo Kyung-duk of Sungshin Women's University in South Korea said on the 19th
"I found out about this from a Korean person living in Australia, and it's a completely outrageous story," said an Adidas employee in the Adelaide area of South Australia on social media.
The company released a photo of the product sales floor. In the photo, Taekwondo is correctly written in English as "TAEKWONDO" around the product display stand, but next to it is "JAPAN".
Professor Seo said, "There is a risk that Australians who see this will mistakenly think that Japan is the home country of taekwondo," and "We will protest to Adidas headquarters and its Australian stores.
"We will be sending out an email to inform you of the change and steps will be taken to make the appropriate corrections."
2024/09/19 17:01 KST
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