President Biden calls President Yoon ”President Huh-si”... Another gaffe
US President Biden mispronounced South Korean President Yoon Seok-youl's last name. In a speech at the Washington DC Economic Club on the 19th (local time), President Biden said,
"Early in my term, I visited South Korea despite skepticism from my team and many in the Democratic Party," he said, referring to his visit to South Korea in May 2022.
He said the visit was to meet with the South Korean president and the CEO of Samsung.
After a short pause, President Biden said, "President Hu." The transcript of the remarks posted on the White House website said, "Biden
The first time the president said "President Hu, Si," it was processed as "President (inaudible)." The next time he called out the name, it was written as "President Hu."
Biden, born in 1942, has made frequent gaffes and sparked controversy over his health and cognition during his time in office. Such controversy has led to him recently withdrawing from the Democratic presidential race.
Prior to this, President Biden had mistakenly referred to North Korean leader Kim Jung Eun as the "president of South Korea" at a campaign fundraiser in California in May.
In November last year, when he visited a Korean company that had invested in the United States, he called the South Korean president "Mr. Moon."
Moon," and may have confused President Yoon with former President Moon Jae-in.
I was asked if there was any.
2024/09/24 09:40 KST
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