President Yoon: ”Abandoning unification is an anti-constitutional idea”... ”Security risks will also increase” = South Korea
On the 24th, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol spoke out against Im Jong-seok, who served as chief of staff to the president in the previous Moon Jae-in administration and has been advocating the "two-state theory."
He also strongly criticized the move, saying it was an "anti-constitutional idea that abandons the obligation to 'promote peaceful unification based on liberal democracy' as mandated by the Korean Constitution."
President Yoon stated at a Cabinet meeting held in the presidential office in Seoul on the same day that Lim was making the allegations.
President Yoon said he "cannot understand the idea of two nations at all."
Who can accept the fact that he has denounced them as "anti-unification" and "anti-national forces" and then changed his stance 180 degrees in a single day?
He pointed out, "Is a 'peaceful two-state theory' really possible in a situation where North Korea is insisting on a 'hostile two-state theory' and saying it will not hesitate to launch a nuclear attack?"
He continued, "If we give up on unification, conflict and confrontation between North and South Korea will intensify, and security risks on the Korean Peninsula will increase."
He also said, "The government will build true peace not with empty words, but with strong power and principles," and added, "We will continue to work for peaceful unification of Korea.
On the 19th, during a keynote speech at the ceremony commemorating the sixth anniversary of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration, Lim said, "Let's stop unification," "Let's be objective," and "Let's continue to work toward unification."
Let's accept the reality and embrace the two countries."
2024/09/24 17:00 KST
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