Six years have passed since the September 2018 inter-Korean summit, and the military agreement concluded at that time has now been completely scrapped, leaving a hollow impression.
On the 19th, a commemorative ceremony was held in the southwestern part of South Korea, marking six years since the September 2018 inter-Korean summit between former South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jung Eun.
The ceremony was held in Gwangju, South Korea, on March 23, 2019. Former President Moon gave a speech and announced that the September 19 military agreement concluded between North and South Korea at that time was to be fully implemented by the current administration of President Yoon Seok-yeol in June this year.
He criticized the suspension of the Pyongyang Strait and expressed concern that the Korean Peninsula was on the brink of a military conflict.
The two Koreas signed the September 19 Joint Declaration and an additional agreement, the September 19 Military Agreement. The military agreement states that the two Koreas will make efforts to ease military tensions, and that the two Koreas will continue to cooperate on the ground, in the air, and in the air.
It was decided to cease all hostile acts and take measures to turn the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) into a peace zone. Specifically, it was decided to establish a no-fly zone over the military demarcation line and to stop the construction of observation posts within the DMZ.
The agreement included the withdrawal of test vessels, the conversion of the Yellow Sea area around the Northern Limit Line (NLL) into a "peace zone" and the definition of its scope, and the free movement of tourists within the Joint Security Area (JSA) at Panmunjom.
After the U.S.-North Korea summit held in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1999 ended in failure, relations between the two Koreas cooled again and the implementation of the agreement was halted.
Then, in November of last year, the South Korean government announced a countermeasure in response to North Korea's wrap-up party of a military reconnaissance satellite.
In response, the two Koreas decided to suspend the establishment of a no-fly zone, which was included in the inter-Korean military agreement.
" and announced the "cancellation" of the agreement. Guard posts near the military demarcation line between North and South Korea were re-established, and soldiers and firearms were redeployed. President Yoon, who has taken a hard-line stance against North Korea, has long warned that if any serious incident occurs,
The South Korean government indicated it was considering suspending the agreement's effectiveness, and in June of this year did so in retaliation for North Korea sending balloons dangling garbage and filth over South Korea.
At the time, the South Korean presidential office said the suspension would "enable sufficient and immediate measures to be taken against North Korean provocations" and would last "until mutual trust between the two Koreas is restored."
The suspension of the ban also allowed the resumption of anti-North Korea propaganda broadcasts using loudspeakers near the North-South Military Demarcation Line, and the South Korean military carried out a broadcast in June this year for the first time in about six years.
The program is said to have a large psychological impact on North Korean soldiers on the front lines, as it conveys information about the affluent lifestyles of North Korean soldiers.
The main purpose of the broadcast was to point out the contradiction between the 2020 Act on the Elimination of Reactionary Ideology and Culture and the ideology and actions of Kim Jong Un.
"There is a word called 'kufu' (geek), and there are 'dokfu' in North Korea too," he said, pointing out that "Kim Jong Un loves basketball so much that he sleeps holding a basketball."
"I wonder what their intentions are, because they are praising the culture but not letting the local people know about it," he said. On the 19th of this month, six years after the September 2018 inter-Korean summit, a commemorative ceremony was held in Gwangju, South Korea.
Moon Jae-in, who was the president of South Korea at the time, gave a speech at the ceremony. Moon criticized the Yoon administration's confrontational North Korea policy, saying it was "ruining the achievements of previous administrations."
Regarding the complete suspension of the September 19 military agreement in June, the statement said, "The Korean Peninsula is facing the threat of military conflict," and "The authorities of North and South Korea must act without further aggravating the situation.
Dialogue should begin immediately.' Choi Jeong-gon, who served as first vice foreign minister in the Moon administration, also said of the complete suspension of the agreement, 'It would be wrong to make peace with someone driving recklessly on the road.
Meanwhile, Song Young-hoon, spokesman for the ruling People Power Party, said, "North Korea has committed over 3,600 violations and challenges in the five years since the September 19 military agreement was signed.
"The September 19 military agreement has acted as a chain that threatens the security of our country," he said.
2024/09/25 13:06 KST
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