BMW driver dies in crash after escaping pursuit of ”Drunk Driving Hunter” YouTuber = Korea
A South Korean YouTuber is once again causing controversy by reporting suspected drunk driving activity to the police and broadcasting the pursuit and arrest in real time.
According to the Gwangju Gwangsan Police Station on the 24th, a 35-year-old man was killed in Gwangsan, Gwangju, at around 3:50 a.m. on the 22nd of this month.
A BMW passenger car driven by a 20-year-old man collided with a parked large trailer truck. The man was killed in the accident and the passenger car was completely burned.
The man was tracked down that day by a YouTuber who is known as a "Drunk Driving Hunter."
The YouTuber reported the man to the police for drunk driving, then tracked his route and broadcast it live online.
Two vehicles driven by YouTube viewers also followed the BMW at a distance.
It is said that just before the accident, the man's vehicle and the YouTuber's vehicle were two kilometers apart.
Police are investigating the exact circumstances of the accident, with the YouTuber as a witness.
The government is currently investigating the matter. If the YouTuber is found to be legally responsible, it plans to take disciplinary action. Korea has been a controversial country in the past, with an assault case between a drunk driver and a YouTuber.
A police official said, "Regardless of the social standing of the YouTuber, in principle, if there is any suspicion of a crime or any other actions that may have contributed to the cause of an accident in which the person being tracked died, such as unreasonable pursuit,
We will dispose of it on the street,” he said.
2024/09/25 14:59 KST
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