Candidates Trump and Ha Ri Su say they don't like Chinese products... Their campaign flags are ”Made in China”
US presidential candidates Kamala Harris and former US President Donald Trump both emphasize a "tough stance against China," but most of their campaign goods are
It was revealed that it was "Made in China." On the 24th (local time), the British economic newspaper Financial Times (FT) reported that "the Tongsun 1000 series is being sold on the online shopping site Amazon.
"More than 90% of the support goods, such as flags and hats, for the presidential election are made in China," the report said. Most of these goods are supplied from Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China, which is known as the "world's largest general merchandise wholesale market."
Chinese sellers are now directly targeting American voters online as U.S. restrictions make it harder to do wholesale trade.
A search for best-selling items using the keyword "Trump flag 2024" found that 46 out of 48 sellers had Chinese addresses."
American distributors are also seen as being unable to compete with Chinese distributors in terms of price and new design development.
Both the Democratic and Republican camps have made it a policy to sell as many American-sourced goods as possible, but it is difficult to distinguish them because Chinese sellers label them as "Made in the U.S."
The FT reported that "Chinese sellers on Amazon are advertising flags of candidates Trump and Ha Ri Su as 'Made in the USA,' but in fact
The products are passing through U.S. customs labeled 'Made in China.'"
2024/09/25 17:03 KST
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