Mother who ”threw” 6-month-old baby from 15th floor... Prosecutors seek ”20 years in prison” = South Korea
In South Korea, a woman in her 20s who threw her 6-month-old daughter, killing her, from the 15th floor of an apartment building was sentenced to seven years in prison in the first trial.The prosecution has demanded a 20-year prison sentence for her.
On the 26th, the Gwangju High Court held the final hearing of the appeal trial for a 26-year-old woman who was indicted on charges of murder.
The prosecution sought a 20-year sentence, saying, "When we asked the citizen committee members for their opinions on an appropriate sentence, most of them said 'at least 15 years in prison', and some said '20 years.'"
The prosecution had sought a 20-year prison sentence in the first trial, but the sentence was reduced to seven years. The prosecution said, "What can we do to a mother who threw her six-month-old daughter to death from a high-rise apartment building?"
"I cannot accept that they can just give a lenient response to this," he said, adding, "Considering the reality of a society where murder and fatal cases resulting from child abuse are rampant, the sentence should reflect the public's opinions and be imposed in order to prevent future incidents."
On the other hand, the defendant's lawyer said, "The defendant was in a state of mental and physical weakness due to mental illness, so please take into consideration that he committed the crime accidentally."
The defendant said, "I will atone for my sins so that when I meet my innocent child again in the afterlife, I will be able to say to him, 'Please forgive my mother.'"
The accused woman killed her daughter by throwing her from the 15th floor of an apartment in Gwangju at around 6:20 a.m. on December 31 last year. At the time, she had been constantly clashing with her husband over financial issues.
After arguing with her husband, she left his house and committed the crime in a fit of anger. She is due to be sentenced on the 17th of next month.
2024/09/26 17:02 KST
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