Three years of record-high heatwaves have seen four-fold increase in heatstroke deaths in South Korea
In South Korea, the number of deaths from heatstroke has increased fourfold over the past three years due to the extreme heat.
According to the "Current Status of Heatstroke Patients," the number of heatstroke patients more than doubled in three years, from 1,564 in 2022 to 3,320 in 2024.
During the same period, the number of deaths increased nearly fourfold, from 9 to 32.
"Due to climate change, the heatwaves in summer are getting more and more severe, and there are more and more deaths from heatstroke every year," said Rep. Seo.
"The number of deaths is increasing rapidly," he said. "Through a comprehensive survey of heat stroke, we will clarify the skewed mortality rate due to regional disparities in medical infrastructure, the high mortality rate among the elderly and women, and the risk of heat stroke for outdoor workers.
"Therefore, it is necessary for the government to create detailed preventive measures," he emphasized.
2024/09/26 17:02 KST
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