Amazon employee: ”I'd give up my 50 million yen annual salary if I could work five days in the office”
As Amazon, the world's largest e-commerce company, announces that it will be shifting employees to the office five days a week, a survey has found that seven in 10 employees are considering changing jobs.
Amazon is known to have annual salaries for its headquarters staff of at least $350,000 (approximately 50 million yen).
According to a survey of Amazon employees conducted by workplace review site Blind on the 26th (local time),
The survey comes after CEO Andy Jassy announced that employees would be working in the office "full-time for five days."
80% of the employees who responded revealed that they knew colleagues who were looking for other jobs because of the company's policy of working five days a week.
91% of employees surveyed were dissatisfied with the current system. Only 9% were satisfied. The survey was conducted after CEO Andy Jassy introduced a five-day work week policy for all employees.
The survey was conducted on 2,585 employees from the 17th to the 19th, when the company notified them. CEO Andy Jassy said on the 16th that unless there were special circumstances, "we have to arrive at the office five days a week.
"Looking back over the past five years, we continue to believe that there are many advantages to working together in the office," he said.
Since May last year, Amazon has required all office staff to work in the office at least three days a week.
Now, through another revision of the policy, they have eliminated telecommuting from the start and indicated that they would be implementing a "five-day full-time work schedule."
A recent survey by another anonymous site, Glassdoor, also revealed that 74% of respondents were reconsidering their careers after their company announced its arrives to work policy.
Among the respondents, 67% said they would be willing to give up a promotion if they could continue working from home. And about half (49%) said they would give up 10 to 20 years of work if they could work from home whenever they wanted.
They said they were willing to accept a 50% pay cut.
2024/09/28 18:52 KST
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