Democratic Party of Korea ”Applauds four People Power lawmakers for vote of conscience on special prosecution law” - South Korea
On the 5th, the Democratic Party of Korea called for a revote on the bills for the special investigation into Kim Gun-Hee's wife and for the special investigation into Corporal Choi, highlighting the fact that some members of the ruling party voted to leave the party.
Yoon Jong-geun, the National Assembly's spokesman, said in a written briefing on the same day, "The special investigation bill that the people want has once again been subject to the veto power of the president and the ruling party's presidential candidate.
"I regret that the bill was rejected amid the protection of the president and his wife, but the people saw hope. This is because while the people were pouring all of their party power into 'protecting the president and his wife,' there were four votes to leave the party," he said.
Yoon added, "We applaud my four fellow People Power lawmakers for listening to public opinion and voting according to their consciences, even in difficult circumstances."
He continued, "But we can't stop here. The number of people will increase from four to eight, and from eight to sixteen, and eventually the power of the people will
"I hope that all the lawmakers of the People's Power Party will follow the will and conscience of the people and support the special investigation as a constitutional body," he said.
"I want them to make a decision quickly before we have to reassess the severity of public sentiment," he said. The day before, at a plenary session attended by all 300 members of the National Assembly, the bill to resubmit a special investigation into Kim's wife and the bill to resubmit a special investigation into Corporal Choi were discussed.
The vote resulted in 194 in favor and 104 against. As the People Power Party had 108 seats, it was analyzed that the ruling party had received a maximum of four withdrawal votes.
For a bill that is being asked to be reconsidered to pass, more than two-thirds of the members present must vote in favor.
There are 192 seats in Parliament, and assuming all vote in favour, there would need to be at least eight Leave votes from the ruling party.
2024/10/08 09:07 KST
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