In "The 2014 Chef Show," top star chefs competed against each other. Actor Lee Hee-Jun showed off his affection for his wife, Lee Hye-Jung, by revealing that his nickname for her is "Yeo Bong-Bong."
Song Joong Ki also replied, "My wife chose it. We call each other 'Yeobo.'" Song Joong Ki said, "Yeobo (meaning 'you' as a married couple calls each other) is a nickname.
He explained the reason why, saying, "My wife heard the pronunciation in Korean and said, 'It's so beautiful,' and 'Let's say 'Yeobo.'" Song Joong Ki is a former British actress, Keith Louise Sanders.
On the other hand, "Please Take Care of My Fridge Since 2014" is a cooking competition in which top stars compete using ingredients from their fridges, with a time limit of just 15 minutes.
It's an extreme showdown between Korea's top star chefs.
2025/01/06 07:33 KST
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