In the variety show "Recent Men's Life - Groom Lessons (Japanese title: Groom Training)," Kim Jung Min's
Moon Se-yoon was seen lamenting his lack of a tuxedo. Kim Jung Min listened to the advice and chose his own tuxedo.
There were exclamations of admiration for Geo. Moon Se-yoon, who showed a standard reaction, raised doubts with an unhappy expression. Moon Se-yoon said, "It looks good on camera. It's not so good in real life.
It was a terrible scene on set," he added, drawing laughter. At Park Hyun-ho's suggestion, Kim Jung-min wore black pants and a white jacket like Hyun-bin.
In response, Park Hyun-ho said, "Isn't this what I saw?", causing everyone to burst into laughter. Kim Jung-min then said, "What's the second place?"
"It seems to be divided," he asked incredulously.
2025/01/30 10:24 KST
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