Reform Party lawmaker Lee Jun-seok proposes bill to abolish the Crimes Investigation Agency for High-ranking Public Officials, saying, ”President Yoon Seok-yeol has created a laughing stock” (South Korea)
On the 11th, Lee Jun-seok, a lawmaker from the New Reform Party, proposed a bill to abolish the Crimes Investigation Agency for High-ranking Public Officials. The purpose of prosecutorial reform was not achieved, and President Yoon Seok-yeol was arrested.
They claim that the government's incompetence has been revealed through measures such as the cancellation of the Public Prosecutor's Office. On the 11th, Rep. Lee held a press conference and announced that he would propose a bill to abolish the Public Prosecutor's Office.
"Looking at the investigation process into President Yoon, the incompetence and greed of the Public Prosecutors' Office are on full display," he continued.
"(The revocation of President Yoon's detention) is not a time to blame only the courts and the prosecution. It is a judicial disaster created by the incompetence and greed of the Public Prosecutors' Office," he said.
Rep. Lee said, "It is problematic that the Public Prosecutors' Office has taken over the investigation into crimes of insurrection, which should be left to the police.
Not only were arrest warrants not properly executed, and no investigation was properly conducted during the detention investigation period, but the court's decision to revoke the detention resulted in the core suspects of the crime of rebellion being arrested.
"We have witnessed the dire situation in which we had to release the incompetent public prosecutors' office," he said.
The ruling party and the so-called progressive camp should also deeply reflect on this and take due responsibility." Rep. Lee said, "If the Democratic Party had called for reform of the Public Prosecutor's Office even one-tenth as loud as they are calling for reform of the prosecution.
"If they had not done so now, I don't think the judicial disaster we're seeing today would have happened," he said. "If we don't correct it now, we'll end up with a situation where people who make serious mistakes like President Yoon are laughed at.
I want them to come out as soon as possible and discuss proposals to reform or abolish the Public Prosecutors' Office."
2025/03/11 20:42 KST
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