ソウル市長「出版した著書は ”早期大統領選”の動きだ」=韓国
Seoul Mayor: ”The book I published is a movement for early presidential elections” = South Korea
On the 14th, Seoul Mayor Oh Sehun said of his recently published book, "You can essentially think of it as a 'vision strategy book for the presidential election.'"
Mayor Oh appeared on a Korean news program that day and responded as above in response to the host's comment that his recent book, "Growth Again," is like a collection of campaign pledges for the presidential election.
The moderator said, "If an early presidential election were to be held, the person who would be the ruling party's most powerful presidential candidate has published a book like this, which suggests that he has actually begun his campaign as a candidate.
In response to the question, "There are also some who believe that the presidential election should be held early," Mayor Oh replied, "To be frank, it is a movement for early presidential elections."
In response to a question about whether Mayor Oh would definitely run for president even if the next presidential election were to be held after President Yoon Seok-yeol's return, Mayor Oh responded, "I will prepare for an early presidential election.
Mayor Oh also emphasized, "As you know, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, is a dangerous and unsafe man. Above all, he has been accused of a terrible crime and has been found guilty.
"The decision has already been made and we are starting to make the minimum preparations for that," he said.
In response to the question, "Do you think that President Lee and I are the best?", he replied, "If you look at the opinion polls conducted around the time of the Lunar New Year, you will see that I have come closest to the results many times in the matchups between myself and President Lee."
"The candidate who is most highly regarded for his ability to expand the center must stand up," he said.
2025/03/15 07:42 KST
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