The new variety show "Finland Rental Living" on tvN, which will premiere on the 6th, will feature a village in Finland, where wild bears, reindeer and wolves live.
This film features an exciting first encounter between the great outdoors of Snowden and city-dwellers Lee Je Hoon, Lee Dong Hwi, Kwak Dong Yeon, and Cha EUN WOO.
The four actors, who wanted to leave the city and experience a unique environment in harmony with nature,
After a long flight, we arrive at Finnish Lapland, an unfamiliar landscape. Lapland is the edge of the world, and is known as the last wilderness of Europe, with more animals than people.
The owner of the room they are staying in also tells them that there are wild bears, reindeer, and wolves in the area, confusing the City Boys.
Despite Cha Eun Woo's concern that they would be able to return alive, the group stepped into the rented room and were confused by the nature-friendly facilities that city dwellers would never imagine.
In particular, the City Boys catch the eye by trying reindeer burgers, which can only be found in Lapland.
The eldest member of the group, Lee Je Hoon, commented, "I was born in Korea and I want to try the reindeer burger, which is not available in Korea.
On the other hand, the youngest brother, Kwak Dong-yeo, is trying to make the reindeer burger taste better.
Cha Eun Woo's efforts also shine. Above all, Cha Eun Woo personally asked his mother Chansoo to solve the meal and revealed his hidden cooking skills, so the face of a genius chef
The Korean set menu they will be showcasing is even more exciting. Meanwhile, a pop-up store will be opening at Yongin Everland on the 6th, where people can enjoy the Finnish nature that the four enjoyed together in Korea.
The exhibition will be divided into an indoor zone that recreates the homes of the hosts where the City Boys stayed, a photo zone, and an outdoor zone that depicts Finnish nature through illustrations, creating a rich variety of sights.
tvN's "Finland Rental Living" will premiere on the 6th at 8:40 pm in Korea.
By minmin 2024/12/06 11:37 KST