An action blockbuster depicting the deadly struggle of a man. Jung Woo Sung is not only a director, but also stars as Soo Hyuk, a man who tries to get back his beloved daughter who was stolen from him, and he delivers deep acting and powerful action.
He is showing off his acting skills. Co-stars include Kim Nam Gil, who is remembered for her role in the latest work ``Emergency Declaration'', and Park Sung Woong, who has left a strong impression including ``A New World'', who is also a Korean film director.
Famous actors representing the art world have gathered to further enliven the work. Creates an uproar at the Toronto International Film Festival with its innovative storyline, unique characters, and stylish action.
The Hot Topic work has finally landed in Japan. In the making-of video that will be released this time, the cast members who gave great performances in this film are shown by director Jung Woo Sung (born 1973), who is a great senior in the film.
) and have a frank talk! Kim Nam Gil (born 1980), who played the role of Woo-jin, the assassin who relentlessly corners the main character Soo-hyuk, fights to the death in the main story.
Please play the role of someone who gets beaten up by me (in the work directed by Min),'' he joked. Park Sung Woong (born in 1973), who was around the same age, also said, ``You must be so bossy (just because you're a director)! ” he teased.
Kim Jun Han (born 1983), Park You Na (born 1997), and other cast members all have humorous and loving words to express their feelings about the director's personality and the filming process.
The good atmosphere seems to be conveyed through this. In addition to just making jokes, there are also many comments praising his skill as a director, and this is his first time directing.
I look forward to seeing how great the director's work will be. Jung Woo Sung's first directorial work, a Korean crime action blockbuster that has earned the trust of the cast.
"The Guardian" will be released on January 26th. Will Soo-hyuk be able to safely protect his loved one? And his lonely battle will come to an end someday.
Will it come? I hope you can witness the ending of Soo-hyuk's story of breaking with his past at the theater. Director: Jung Woo Sung Screenplay: Jung Hye Shin, Jung Woo Sung
Cinematography: Go Rak-seon Music: Kim Tae-sung Starring: Jung Woo Sung, Kim Nam Gil, Park SungWoong, Kim Jun Han, Park You Na
2022 | Korea | Korean | Cinemascope | 5.1ch | 98 minutes | Original title: Guardian | English title: A MAN OF
REASON | Subtitle translation: Tomoko Fukudome | Rating: G | Distribution: Clockworks © 2022
ACEMAKER MOVIEWORKS & STUDIO TAKE CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Official site teaserYoutube
January 26th (Friday) Shinjuku Wald 9 and other nationwide roadshows
チョン・ウソンの監督デビュー作 『ザ・ガーディアン/守護者』出演陣の無礼講ぶっちゃけトーク付きメイキング映像
チョン・ウソンの監督デビュー作 『ザ・ガーディアン/守護者』出演陣の無礼講ぶっちゃけトーク付きメイキング映像
2024/01/12 13:15 KST
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