Actress Lee ShiWon ”Co-starring with Cho SeungWoo & HyunBin...specializing in 'first love' in the TV series” = ”Help Me! Sherlock Holmes”
Actress Lee ShiWon and science YouTube channel member and creator Quedo (orbit) are in a forested area (a pleasant residential area with forests, mountains, and large parks) in downtown Seoul.
The MBC variety show "Help! Holmes" is broadcasting in the PM2.5 season, and in spring, they are looking for properties in the forested areas of downtown Seoul.
He pointed out that the concentration of PM2.5 in Korea is high and conveyed the seriousness of the air problem. When Kwedo appeared on the show, saying that he would "solve everything with science," his best friend Joo Woo-jae said, "I'll warn you in advance, but Kwedo is 1
If you ask one question, I'll give you 10 answers. Be careful when you ask questions." Park Na-rae asks Quedo about the most viewed video. Quedo responds, "It's a video about quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is a non-
"It always happens in a small world..." he continued his passionate science talk, inducing laughter from those around him. The Fuku team was represented by actress Lee ShiWon from S University.
Ng revealed, "So far, I have mainly played roles specializing in first love in TV series," and said that she has worked alongside famous male actors such as Cho Seung Woo and Hyun Bin, earning her the envy of everyone.
After looking around the house, the three discuss some common myths about houses. Quedo explains some of the myths we believe, such as "You shouldn't put a mirror in the entrance" or "You should put sunflowers in the entrance."
The geography and feng shui of the area was scientifically revealed. Meanwhile, the search for a property in the Mori area will be revealed on MBC's "Help! Holmes" broadcast at 10 pm on the 16th.
2024/05/14 09:49 KST
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