[Official] Actor Song Kang-ho's ”Uncle Samsik” ranked 1st overall & in the Korean TV show category on Disney+ after just one day of release
"Uncle Samsik" has risen to first place in the Disney+ Korean TV show category and overall. Since its debut on the 15th, the Disney+ original series "Uncle Samsik" has been a hot topic every day.
Among them, FlixPatrol, a site that collects content viewing rankings within OTT platforms, ranked Disney+ Korean TV shows as of the 16th.
It has been ranked first in the TV show category for two days as of today (17th). This is an amazing achievement achieved after only one day of release.
The series has received positive reviews from the press and viewers at home and abroad, and they have expressed satisfaction with the series.
"Uncle Samsik" airs two episodes every Wednesday at 4 p.m.
The series will begin airing on Netflix on Wednesday, September 18, and then in the final week, three episodes will be available for streaming, totalling 16 episodes.
2024/05/17 17:17 KST
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