The teaser version of "Happy Country" has been released. The movie "Happy Country" is about Park Tae-ju, who was involved in the assassination of the president on the orders of his superiors on October 26, 1979, and his lawyer.
The film tells the story of Jung In-hoo, a lawyer who jumps into South Korea's worst political trial. The teaser video begins with a powerful gunshot and the tagline "1979 Presidential Assassination Case."
It starts off by capturing the viewer's attention, and then it introduces three people who live in an era of upheaval that spans the 10.26 and 12.12 events that shook the whole of Korea.
Park Tae-ju (Lee Sun Kyun), an assistant secretary to the head of the intelligence department, is on trial for being involved in the assassination of the president at the command of his superiors.
His lawyer, Cho Jung Seok, who uses all means and methods to bring justice, and the head of the joint investigation unit, Ji Hyun, who is the center of enormous power that can influence the outcome of trials by wiretapping them behind closed doors.
The story of "Jung Sang-doo" (You Chae Myung) is depicted in sequence, raising curiosity as to how the case will end.
Director Joo Chang-min said, "There are many modern history films that deal with the October 26th and December 12th events, but I'm not interested in films that deal with the same era, like "Another One."
If you watch it from the perspective of, "What kind of story will the flow of the story be?", you will be able to feel a new interest."
"The Land of Happiness" is scheduled to be released on August 14th.

[幸せの国 Land of Happiness] ティーザー予告編
[幸せの国 Land of Happiness] ティーザー予告編

2024/06/29 08:41 KST
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