Regarding the issue of the South Korean ruling and opposition parties' political consultation body, the ruling party representative said, ”We will solve the problem together, regardless of interests”
As the conflict between the ruling and opposition parties continues over the composition of the political consultative body, Han Dong-hoon, leader of the ruling People Power Party, said on the 17th, "I hope we can resolve this issue together responsibly."
Han made this statement while appearing on CBS Radio that day and introducing the Beatles song "Come Together," which he likes.
The broadcast was recorded on the 13th. Regarding the issue of disruption to the medical environment, Han said, "Many people are feeling anxious, which is proof that a problem has already occurred.
"I want to solve this problem," he said, emphasizing that "a situation like a collapse of the medical system is an unacceptable risk." He added that "the current situation is not the time to question political interests."
Han cited an anecdote in which Beatles member John Lennon asked Paul McCartney, "Why don't you come to the edge of a cliff and jump off?"
I got into politics with the hope that the world would be a little better, and I want my country and its people to prosper. If the situation calls for me to jump off a cliff to achieve that, I will do so without hesitation.
"I would jump off," he said. Han was invited to appear on a special mid-autumn celebration broadcast, where he played Tom Waits' "Way Down in the Hall" for an hour.
"Y Down In The Hole" and the Jimi Hendrix Experience's "Bold As Love"
Love) and other meaningful songs were introduced to the audience.
2024/09/18 06:18 KST
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