Through the chronicle of a young entrepreneur who makes an irreversible decision, the film depicts the behind-the-scenes of startup investment and the reality of young people who are addicted to stocks during the day and coin get-rich-quick schemes at night.
The main poster that was released draws attention with its tense atmosphere of characters with different desires. The protagonist, who abuses youth, women, and disability bonus points to receive youth start-up subsidies,
Song Jae Lim, who plays Prince Yang Yong-hyun, and Ahn Woo-yong, who plays his partner Kang Ji-woo, and Min Sung-wook, who plays Kevin, who invests in their vision, all make meaningful appearances.
It's impressive. Their expressions, combined with the copy "50 trillion evaporated," heighten curiosity about the story in the film, which is based on a true story that produced countless casualties.
The film "Crash" will be released in South Korea on January 15, 2025.
2024/12/28 12:01 KST
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