韓国現代史の闇を市民の人々の視点で描く『1980 僕たちの光州事件』、光州事件を舞台にしたこれまでの作品との違いとは?
”1980: Our Gwangju Uprising” depicts the dark side of modern Korean history from the perspective of ordinary citizens. How is it different from previous works set on the Gwangju Uprising?
Following on from "The Chiefs of the KCIA," "Spring in Seoul," and "A Taxi Driver," "1980: A Story of a Dark Side" depicts the dark side of modern Korean history from the perspective of ordinary Korean citizens.
"Our Gwangju Uprising" will be released nationwide from April 4th (Friday) at Cinemart Shinjuku and other theaters.
What is the difference between this work and the previous one? "Directors of the Namsan Cop" is about the assassination of President Park Chung-hee, who had been a dictator for many years, while "Spring in Seoul" is about the events that occurred immediately after the assassination.
The Korean film industry has made a great hit out of the military coup led by Jeon Du-hwan, which was based on historical fact and turned it into a masterpiece movie.
The historical tragedy of the Gwangju Uprising, which was caused by the military regime that usurped power in "Spring in Seoul," is also a major hit, as is "Taxi Driver."
The film depicts the soldiers who massacred good citizens who were calling for democratization, and the author felt the need to convey this to the world.
It was an emotional story of a taxi driver and a German journalist who awaken to a sense of mission to find justice.
The film is at times humorous but also heartfelt, showing how the power of the government has trampled on the small happiness of the citizens, and how the desire to protect loved ones even in the midst of tragedy is precious.
A new masterpiece of Korean modern historical drama that cannot be talked about without tears has been born. This is the cruel ending of "Spring in Seoul".
It is a sequel to "1987: When the Day Comes," but it is also a sequel to "Taxi Driver."
A story set in May 1980 that is similar to "A Promise Across the Sea"
The 5.18 Gwangju Democratization Movement depicted in this work is the result of the 12.12 military coup d'état depicted in "Spring in Seoul."
The story of the beginning of "1987: When the Day Comes" which deals with the Democratic Struggle, can be said to be the most important moment in modern Korean history. Director Kang Seung-yeon said, "The background of the film is the year 1979, August 1987.
"The year 2000 was a tumultuous time in modern Korean history, when the country was faced with the question of whether to break away from 18 years of oppressive dictatorship and move toward democratization, or to regress," he said.
The will of the citizens who protested and resisted the ruthless government authority and the guns of the national army for ten days from May 18 to May 27 was sublimated into the May 18 Democratization Movement, which continued into the protests on June 10, 1987.
"It became the seed of my desire to democratize the 5.18 Gwangju Democratization Movement," he said. That is why this film does not portray the 5.18 Gwangju Democratization Movement as a single event, but instead tries to portray its important spirit in the flow of history.
However, although this film is set in the same place and at the same time as "Taxi Driver: A Promise Across the Sea," the story is very different in nature. The differences between the two films are:
While "Taxi Driver" portrayed Gwangju on that day from an outsider's perspective, this film follows the story of the Cheolsoo family, who opened a Chinese restaurant on May 17th in the back alley of the Namdaemun Provincial Office in Gwangju.
It is a story told from the perspective of the people who live in the neighborhood, that is, "our story" of those who live in the area and want to protect their modest happiness.
The basic common sense that supports us in our everyday lives begins to crumble. The audience will be able to feel the confusion and anxiety that these people felt. Director Kang Seungyeon recreates that time in 1980 exactly as it was.
The project took a total of five months of preparation, including three months of design and two months of construction, and the family poured their heart and soul into creating it.
This is a new masterpiece of Korean modern historical drama that depicts the past from the perspective of ordinary citizens in a realistic way and cannot be talked about without tears.
"Our Gwangju Uprising" will be released nationwide from Friday, April 4th at Cinemart Shinjuku and other theaters.
Directed and written by Kang Seungyeon. Starring Kang Shin-il, Kim Gyuri, Baek Seong Hyeon, Han Suyeong, Song Min-jae.
2024 / Korea / Korean / 99 min. / Cinemascope / 5.1ch / Subtitle translation: Keiko Honda / Subtitles
Supervised by: Akizuki Nozomi / Original title: 1980 / Eirin G Distributed by: Klockworx https://klockworx.com/movies/1980/ © 2024 JNC
MEDIA GROUP, All Rights Reserved. Released nationwide from 4/4 (Fri) at Cinemart Shinjuku and other theaters

映画『1980 僕たちの光州事件』激動の予告編解禁
映画『1980 僕たちの光州事件』激動の予告編解禁

2025/03/18 16:48 KST
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