<Korean TV Series REVIEW> ”Parole Examiner Lee Han Shin” Episode 10 Synopsis and Behind the Scenes... Interview with Kwon YURI and Baek Ji Won at the end of filming = Behind the Scenes
<Korean TV Series REVIEW> ”Parole Examiner Lee Han Shin” Episode 10 Synopsis and Behind the Scenes... Interview with Kwon YURI and Baek Ji Won at the end of filming = Behind the Scenes
*This video contains spoilers and synopsis. *There is a making-of video on the Wowkorea page. Video from 9:38 to 12:06.
This time, we continue with the interview with Ko Soo. Ko Soo: Hwarang, Soyoun, Jisoo, Donghun, and the villain Dongman.
It left a lasting impression on me. I remember going to the set, looking forward to seeing how this character would interact with Hanshin.
KWON YURI: Hello. I played Ahn
I'm Kwon Yuri, who played the role of SOYOU. Filming began in the winter and continued through spring and summer. Through this TV series, I was able to have a new experience and learn about the special job of a police officer.
I always thought that I was very lucky to be able to act during filming. The action scenes were a new experience for me and I had a lot of fun. I was excited to work with such wonderful co-stars.
I always felt refreshed during filming because I got to act in such a fun and exciting story. I hope you will watch it and share the fun and refreshing story with me.
Baek Ji Won: Hello. I'm Baek Ji Won, who plays Choi Hwa Rang. Today is the wrap-up, but there is still filming left for the TV series itself. During the remaining filming, I'm going to be spending time with my co-stars and the staff.
I hope that everyone, including the director, will be able to finish the film without any injuries or problems. At first glance, it seems like an interesting story, but I think the story it deals with has a very heavy message.
I hope that you can feel that way too. Please enjoy. ●Reactions from Korean Internet users● "I'm sad it's ending" "I'm looking forward to a sequel" "YURI was cool"
"Wonderful TV Series" ●Synopsis● "Parole Examiner Lee Hanshin" EP10 (viewership rating 6.5%) features Hanshin (Ko Soo), SOYOUn (Kwon Yuri)
), Hwa-rang (Baek Ji-won) is determined to defeat the Oh Jung Group. After being attacked by Chairman Ji (Son Young-chan) and taken to the hospital, Hwa-rang tells Han Shin, "
Tell me how to destroy the Oh Jong Group," and SOYOU-n, who saw the video of Myung-seop (Lee Hak Joo) killing his sister Da-yoon (Kim Yena), asks how she will deal with this.
Hanshin was troubled by whether to let his senior, Soo Beom (CHO SEUNGYOUN), out on parole because the Oh Jung Group was after him, which was his weakness as a prison guard.
Through these trials, the teamwork of the "Parole Pants" has become even stronger. Hwarang is worried about the safety of Soo-beom in prison, so she asks the people in the same prison to help her.
He bribed Soyoung to protect him. He also secured footage of Myungseop's crime scene, but was worried that he couldn't remember his face properly, so Hanshin stepped in and said, "I'll help you this time."
Hanshin and Soyoun decided to use Myungseop's press conference to apologize for Chairman Ji's ownership risk and solidify their position within the Ohjong Group. Reporters gathered.
As he kneels down in his seat and pretends to repent, the video of Da-yoon's murder is played behind him. It is Jisoo (Nam Tae-woo), the head of the Lee Han-shin Law Firm, who has switched the video.
Without getting permission from her team leader, Soyoun barged in to the scene with her junior colleague Jumok (Na Hyun Woo) and had Myung Seop and Eun Jun (Kim Young Woong) arrested on suspicion of murdering Da Yoon.
Hwarang once again cooperated for Soo-beom's parole. On the day of the parole hearing, Jisoo and Hwarang's family helped Soo-beom to prevent Attorney Seo (Kim Min Jae) from issuing an ineligible opinion.
Lawyer Seo, who was unable to attend the hearing at the appointed time, sent documents by motorcycle courier proving the friendship between Hanshin and Soo-beom, and decided that he was the one who was to attend the hearing.
With two of the five examiners unable to vote, the two who were on the side of the Oh Jong Group, Vice Minister of Justice Sang-hoon (Jung Wook) and Director of the Corrections Bureau of the Ministry of Justice Wook (Pak Wook), were chosen as the judges.
If Goo Jeong-hak had given his opinion that Soo-beom was unqualified, the majority would have voted against parole, and Soo-beom's parole would have failed. However, Han-shin had already used the financial power of Hwarang to buy off Wook.
Wook gave his opinion that he was eligible, and Soo-beom was eligible for parole despite the interference of the Oh Jong Group. However, the joy was short-lived, and an unexpected reversal occurred. Han-si, who had just finished the hearing,
He was arrested on suspicion of violating the Narcotics Control Law.